The author(s) of a manuscript should sign a submission format which is prepared for this specific journal (see Appendix A). The submission to the Journal means that the author(s) agree to all of the contents of the form. The corresponding author for a co-authored manuscript is solely responsible for ensuring the agreement and managing all communications between the Journal and the co-author(s), before and after publication. Before submission, the corresponding author should ensure that the names of all authors of the manuscript are included on the authors list, the order of the names of the authors should appeared as agreed by all authors, and that all authors are aware of that the paper was submitted. Any changes to the authors list after submission, such as change in the order of the author, or the deletion or addition of authors, needs to be approved by a signed letter from every author.
After acceptance, the proof is sent to the corresponding author to circulate it to all co-authors, and deal with the journal on their behalf. The Journal shall not necessarily correct errors after publication. The corresponding author is responsible for the accuracy of all contents in the proof, particularly including the correct spelling of the names of co-authors, and their current addresses and affiliations.
After publication, the Journal regards the corresponding author as the point of contact for queries about the published manuscript, and that it is his/her full responsibility to inform all co-authors about matters arising from the publication processes and that such matters are dealt with promptly. The corresponding author’s role is to ensure that enquiries are answered promptly on behalf of all the co-authors. The names and e-mail addresses of the authors shall be published in the paper. With prior permission of the Editorial Board, authors have the right to retract submitted manuscripts in case they decide to do so. Authors of a published material have the responsibility to inform the Journal promptly if they become aware of any part of their manuscript that requires correcting. The corrected part of the article shall be mentioned in the next issue. In fact, any published correction requires the consent of all co-authors, so time is saved if requests for corrections are accompanied by signed agreement by all authors in the form of a scanned attachment to an email.
If a submitted study replicates or is very similar to previous work, authors must provide a sound scientific rationale for the submitted work and clearly reference and discuss the existing literature. Submissions that replicate or are derivative of existing work will likely be rejected if authors do not provide adequate justification.
English quality: The language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. It is author's responsibility to improve the English quality (if required) by any other third party service.
The research must meet all applicable standards for the ethics of experimentation and research integrity.